It is known that many Credit Repair Companies and Law Firms will resort to or create some kind of method to get around this in order to get disputes postmarked from the consumers’ home state (potentially more non-disclosure). For example. If they are in NY and you are in CA they will first have to mail your dispute letters inside an envelope from NY to CA.
Once in CA someone opens the envelope and then mails your dispute letters from CA so they postmarked from your home state. I am not an expert on postal regulations but had a postal employee tell me the concept sounded extremely shady at best.
It’s for this reason that some of the most advanced forms of credit restoration are done completely customized for the client and even (in many cases) by hand. The best credit restoration companies I’ve seen are usually run by one person or a small number of people and are extremely customized for each client. The is the most effective but with effectiveness comes cost. Every one of these services I have seen charges a very large upfront fee and works entirely off of referrals. This type of service is simply impossible to perform for $39 or even $49 a month.