
How to Make Yourself VirtuallyIdentity Theft PROOF in 60 Minutes or Less

How to Make Yourself VirtuallyIdentity Theft PROOF in 60 Minutes or Less
The FBI has called it “The fastest growing crime in America.” Close to 10 million Americans every year are victimized by it and the costs are estimated at 50 billion dollars annually. Many criminals get off easy while the victims spend years working to restore their damaged credit reports and reputations. Worse yet, there seems to be no end in sight.
“The popularity of the crime is simply growing faster than the solutions to stop it” many experts conclude. The task of recovery is so time consuming and tedious, multiple states have resorted to creating “Identity Theft Passports” for victims in an attempt to ease the pain for them as they endure the lengthy and frustrating clean up process.
By the end of this article I will share with you the secrets of making yourself virtually identity theft proof in 60 minutes or less (for free). I use the term “secrets” because less than 1% of the country are aware of these techniques (let alone practicing them). If you are interested in learning more about these and other “secret” techniques, you'll want to check out the Credit Secrets Bible—the authority on credit and credit repair.
If Americans took these preventative steps up to 99% of all identity theft would be eliminated. However, “why” this beneficial approach is not being made common knowledge in the mainstream media is something I will not disclose in this article (more on that another time). For the moment I believe the biggest crime one can commit is to not share this information with their
friends and family (by the end of this article you will understand why).
Unlike other authors covering this subject I will not insult your intelligence by sharing common sense tips like “Don’t carry your SSN Card or ATM PIN# in your wallet or purse” or “Keep all data sensitive documents like credit card and bank statements locked up in your home or office”. This is elementary advice at best. The key to protecting yourself from identity theft is to look at what the masses are doing and then do the opposite (to say the least).
Almost 70% of Americans are now shredding all their mail and documents and many are even subscribing to credit monitoring services or buying identity theft insurance in an attempt to protect themselves from becoming victims. While this is better than doing nothing it’s a far cry from TRUE security
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