Have you ever wondered about those ads you see from companies and law firms which offer to fix your credit for a low monthly fee? People with credit problems often ask me when it comes to improving their credit score whether they should hire a credit repair company or do it themselves? Unfortunately, there is no simple or universal answer to this question. However, I will shed some light on the subject if you’re in need of a little enlightenment.
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) “Everything a credit repair clinic can do for you legally you can do for yourself at little or no cost”. While I agree with the FTC I also understand some consumers do not have the time, patience (or knowledge) to do the work themselves and the thought of “drive-thru-we-do-it-all-for-you-credit-repair” becomes very appealing. After all, everything a mobile oil change service can do for me I can also do myself at little or no cost (but you won’t find me changing the oil in my car this weekend!).
Things To Consider
Although some things are better done yourself, only you can determine if doing your own credit restoration work will be one of them. This is why understanding both the advantages and limitations of a credit repair company and the structure from which it operates are VERY important.
Any legitimate company or individual doing credit restoration work for consumers will be able to provide you with at least half a dozen references. If the company or person is local you should be able to call these references. This is without question the most important point of consideration when hiring a professional to do the work for you.
If possible, I suggest you ask friends, family, relatives and professional contacts if they know of someone who does credit restoration work as a side business. By far the highest percentage of successful stories I hear from consumers are those which come from those who found a credit consultant via personal referral. I cannot stress this enough. It’s the difference between going on a vacation with a close friend instead of a stranger.
Unlike painting a house or putting in a driveway, credit restoration work (and results) are extremely broad. Therefore, the use of a contract is imperative. Most likely your credit challenges didn’t occur overnight and they won’t be improved overnight either. A good contract protects you as well as the service provider. The contract should be easy to understand without an Attorney and spell out the actual services which will be rendered as well as the service providers’ limitations (i.e. they cannot guarantee the removal of any one particular item but can guarantee an overall increase in score overtime).
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) “Everything a credit repair clinic can do for you legally you can do for yourself at little or no cost”. While I agree with the FTC I also understand some consumers do not have the time, patience (or knowledge) to do the work themselves and the thought of “drive-thru-we-do-it-all-for-you-credit-repair” becomes very appealing. After all, everything a mobile oil change service can do for me I can also do myself at little or no cost (but you won’t find me changing the oil in my car this weekend!).
Things To Consider
Although some things are better done yourself, only you can determine if doing your own credit restoration work will be one of them. This is why understanding both the advantages and limitations of a credit repair company and the structure from which it operates are VERY important.
Any legitimate company or individual doing credit restoration work for consumers will be able to provide you with at least half a dozen references. If the company or person is local you should be able to call these references. This is without question the most important point of consideration when hiring a professional to do the work for you.
If possible, I suggest you ask friends, family, relatives and professional contacts if they know of someone who does credit restoration work as a side business. By far the highest percentage of successful stories I hear from consumers are those which come from those who found a credit consultant via personal referral. I cannot stress this enough. It’s the difference between going on a vacation with a close friend instead of a stranger.
Unlike painting a house or putting in a driveway, credit restoration work (and results) are extremely broad. Therefore, the use of a contract is imperative. Most likely your credit challenges didn’t occur overnight and they won’t be improved overnight either. A good contract protects you as well as the service provider. The contract should be easy to understand without an Attorney and spell out the actual services which will be rendered as well as the service providers’ limitations (i.e. they cannot guarantee the removal of any one particular item but can guarantee an overall increase in score overtime).